Jenner’s #IAmMoreThan shows students their worth



The Kardashians are constantly popping up in the media for some new scandal, whether it be a break-up or a self-altering surgery. The youngest sister of the Kardashian clan, Kylie Jenner, is no exception.

Recently being in the news for her lip injections and her split with rapper, Tyga, Kylie has taken the world by storm. For years she stayed in the background on her family’s hit show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but now she has consistently been the world’s latest hot gossip.

Media outlets are known to jump on anything negative when it comes to celebrities. Paparazzi harassed Kylie for months about her lips until she finally revealed that she had received lip fillers. This “breaking news” led the world’s teenagers to create “The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge,” where kids across the globe tried to mimic Kylie’s plump lips, many attempts ending with bruising or irritation around the mouth.

But Kylie has recently been using her fame for something positive. With nearly 43 million followers on Instagram, why wouldn’t she take the opportunity to spread positivity to the world?

Kylie started the #IAmMoreThan campaign in September, which consisted of her posting the inspiring stories of individuals who have dealt with and lived through bullying. She wanted to use these stories to spread the message of self-positivity to her fans.

“I want to encourage you, my fans, to share something positive about yourselves,” Kylie said on her Instagram at the start of the campaign.

#IAmMoreThan’s purpose was to show people how they are not just their flaws, their disabilities or their differences. They are so much more than that. And it’s great that Kylie Jenner was able to use her fame to fight bullying and give people who have been bullied a sense of hope for the future.

You would think after high school that the bullying would end, people would mature as they head off to college and realize their actions and words can cause irreversible damage to another person. Yet bullying still exists on college campuses and it has taken an even more dangerous form: cyberbullying.

Most of the cyberbullying today takes place through platforms such as social media and instant messaging. This is dangerous because it allows for an individual to hide behind a screen, to ignore the reality of seeing, in person, the effects their words may have on their victim.

The Cyberbullying Research Center reported, “Victims of cyberbullying (are) more likely to suffer from low self esteem and suicidal thoughts.”

Depression on college campuses is becoming more and more widespread. A study by the Associated Press found that 34 percent of college students “have felt depressed at some point in the past three months.”

College campuses need the message Kylie Jenner spreads through her #IAmMoreThan campaign. This is the age where young people are growing into themselves, becoming more mature and understanding who they really are.

Victims of bullying and cyberbullying need to hear they are not alone, those things some people may see as wrong, ugly or different are what some people find beautiful. And those who can accept you as you are are the ones who deserve to be in your life.

The most important thing people need to understand is that it starts with you. It may be cliche, but it’s true. You have to love yourself in order to allow others to love you. This is what Kylie Jenner showed the world.

Kylie did a great thing and her positive influence is still making its way around the world. Everyone, especially college students, should know they are more than their appearance, their skin color, their size, their flaws, their disabilities, their sexuality and their differences. These differences are what make each person beautiful and unique.

Paidin Dermody is a journalism freshman.

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