Harry Potter fans can test their wizarding wits

By William Edmiston

Potter fans unite!

A Harry Potter trivia night will be held at the Cat’s Den on Tuesday night from 7 to 9 p.m., where enthusiasts of the explosive, international literary series can test their expertise on the subject.

Hannah Sloan, a junior at UK serving as the coordinator and host of the event, said the evening is dedicated to “people who love Harry Potter,” and who are trying to raise some well-deserved nostalgia in die-hard fans.

“It’s part of people’s childhoods,” Sloan said. “They grew up with it.”

Trivia won’t be limited to just the books either. Questions will include an assortment of random facts from both the literary and film series.

Sam Flynn, a senior Political Science major and self-proclaimed Harry Potter whiz, has expressed his excitement and anticipation for the event.

“I’m definitely going,” Flynn said. “I don’t care about winning, I just enjoy the discussion.”

Senior Business major Justin Sommerkamp, doesn’t share this sentiment.

“I respect the books but I could never get into the movies,” Sommerkamp said. “I haven’t been into it since it went way mainstream. Needless to say, I won’t be going.”

A compilation of prizes, ranging from gift cards to various Harry Potter memorabilia, will be handed out to the winners of the contest.

For those of you trying to brush up on Harry Potter trivia before the event, check out harrypotter.wikia.com for useful facts and information on both the books and movies.