Put down the remote, grab a textbook

We all have that list of two, okay more like ten, TV shows that captivate our attention each time a new season rolls around. Whether on Netflix or TV, they take over our schedule. We start planning our days around the times that our favorite shows will air.

On more than one occasion I have found myself telling friends, “I have to be back by 9 p.m. The Walking Dead is coming on,” or, “I can’t come, Scandal just started.”

I realized that this was starting to become a bad habit when I began telling myself, “You know what? I’ll just watch this, and then I’ll study.” By the time the show was over it was too late to even think about studying.

We must stop to ask ourselves: What’s more important, this TV show or my future? I think we all know the answer.

I’m not saying we should stop watching our favorite shows ­— lord knows that will never happen — but we don’t have to restrict ourselves to watching them when they air on TV. There are other options that will allow us to hang out with our friends without a time limit while still studying and doing homework done at a reasonable hour.

Most, if not all, TV networks have a website where the networks upload the latest episodes of a series the day after they air. You may have to sign in to your cable provider through the website, but that’s easy enough.

Just to give an example, season five of Scandal started a couple of weeks ago on Sept. 24, and I missed the airing of the premiere because I knew I had to finish my homework. No worries, the episode was uploaded to abc.go.com. From there, I was able to watch the episode on my own time.

TV shows have become a huge topic of discussion between friends, classmates and even professors. With most of our favorite shows starting to come back in the fall, each week we might feel as if we have to keep up and watch them when they first air on TV or we feel behind in the conversation.

So what? Let them talk, you don’t have to listen. Their mouths will be shut when you pass the test and they don’t. I’m sure your professors won’t include “Who’s dating who on Grey’s Anatomy?” questions on your upcoming exams.

TV shows are not a waste of time when we watch them in moderation and at the appropriate times. If you have something that needs to be done, do it. “American Horror Story” can wait a couple of days and will be waiting on the Internet when you’re ready.

Paidin Dermody is a journalism freshman.

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