Freedom and choice nonexistent in FOCA bill

I am writing in response to the opinion stated by Stephanie Hopkins regarding the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). We associate choice with our country, America; where we choose how to live our lives. We associate freedom with America itself; the freedom that allows both Hopkins and myself to express our views in a public forum. However, there is no freedom, nor is there any choice, in FOCA.

Is there any freedom in an act that would prohibit doctors from refusing to perform a procedure that goes against their moral beliefs? Is there any choice in a law that would allow a 12-year-old girl to have an abortion without parental consent? These are not only issues over the rights of an unborn child; these are threats to the well being of people already recognized as members of society.

FOCA would not place restrictions on abortions performed viably. Instead, FOCA would legalize abortion at any time during pregnancy if there is any kind of risk to the mother’s health. If FOCA becomes law, an abortion could be legally performed long after the child is capable of surviving apart from the mother.

FOCA has not been introduced to the 111th Congress. However, we now have as president a man who has promised FOCA to Planned Parenthood. This is about choice, the choice of a whole nation. We need to stop and ask ourselves where our priorities lie when masses of people rally for the humane treatment of animals, but no one stops to consider the treatment of the unborn.

Megan Buland

forestry freshman