Website to make Kentuckians ready to vote


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In an age where few people vote, especially young people, there is now a website to help Kentuckians be ready to hit the ballot box.

Ballot Ready founders Alex Niemczewski and Aviva Rosman spoke at a UK journalism class about their website that helps citizens stay informed about upcoming political elections.

The site complies information about candidates in political races throughout the state. Niemczewski said they chose Kentucky because of the multiple elections and the potential for a close gubernatorial race.

The site is mobile friendly, so voters can use it in the voting booth if they feel unprepared.

Rosman wants to have transcripts of candidates’ speeches, so voters can see incongruence in debates and advertisements.

Kentucky is the pilot for the Ballot Ready team. If it is successful Niemczewski said they will compile lists for other states, as well as the presidential campaign.

Ballot Ready is funded by several awards, including ones from the University of Chicago and National Science Foundation.

Niemczewski and Rosman met as undergraduates at the University of Chicago. Niemczewski is now a graduate student.

Those interested in Ballot Ready can visit the site and type in Frankfort’s address to see all of the candidates in the Nov. 3 election. As well students interested in working with Ballot Ready can email [email protected] or [email protected].