Students Representing other colleges than Kentucky on Campus


Carter Skaggs

Freshman Garrett Nealen poses for a portrait on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, at the Gatton Student Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Nealen said he chose the sweatshirt because he found it buried in his closet. Photo by Carter Skaggs | Staff

Olivia Tader, Reporter

Walking across the University of Kentucky’s campus, I see many students wear UK apparel to show their support for our school. 

But it is not rare to see students wearing apparel that represents other colleges besides UK as well.

For some students who have grown up in Kentucky as die-hard UK fans, this is a weird concept. But for many out-of-state students like me, this is not that odd.

Growing up as a University of Notre Dame fan, I still wear my Notre Dame sweatshirt on campus to class sometimes. 

It is one of my comfort sweatshirts, so why would I give it up just because I do not go there? I still support the team.

This is the case for many other students who grew up Ohio State fans or fans of other colleges. They still wear hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts and more to support their favorite teams from their childhood.

Some students decide to represent other colleges because they got a sweatshirt or T-shirt on a college visit before coming to UK.

“I think that it is stupid to waste a ton of money on college apparel from other schools just to not wear the clothes,” UK sophomore Avery Reidy said.

Reidy is also an out-of-state student who did not know that she wanted to come to UK for college.

She was looking at many schools, along with UK, her senior year of high school. One of her top schools was Arizona State University. She explained how she still likes to wear the ASU sweatshirt she bought because it is comfortable, and it would be a waste to get rid of it.

This could be the case for many other students as well.

Another reason is that many students have significant others that attend other schools. 

Students in long distance relationships walk around in their partner’s apparel. These are comfort items that make them feel a little closer to their significant other when they’re so far away. It is also a way to support their significant other’s school.

In the grand scheme of things, I do not think that many people are that judgmental about wearing other college school’s apparel on campus. 

I am sure that there are some people who do not think that it is okay. But most people have bigger stressors than worrying about others not wearing UK apparel.

UK sophomore Allie Kiel agrees.

“I think it is okay to wear other school sweatshirts that are not our direct rivals,” Kiel said. 

It would be different if someone was wearing a University of Louisville sweatshirt or a University of Tennessee sweatshirt on campus.

They would be more likely to get some criticism.

But there are many colleges that UK does not go up against in sports or are on the other side of the country.

A lot of students do not care that some people may judge them for wearing another school’s logo on campus. They would rather wear their favorite apparel than not.