Involvement fair encourages adding to college experience



By Morgan VanClief

With a new semester, new classes and new loads of homework, students are having trouble thinking of anything other than academics. The Student Involvement Fair is here to remind everyone that college is more than just going to class.

“I think it’s the easiest way for students to supplement their classroom learning by getting involved,” said Ben Duncan, chief of staff for Student Government. “Students can get some real world experience and start working with others.”

The Student Involvement Fair will be held on Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first floor of White Hall Classroom Building.

Thirty organizations will have booths set up on one or both of the days. Tables will be set up around the perimeter with signs and posters advertising each organization.

This year, the fair is hoping to become part of the traffic of a normal student’s day.

“(The) Classroom Building is usually a pretty packed place, especially when it’s cold outside,” said Anna Hays, SG deputy chief of staff of organization outreach. “We would like to use this as an educational opportunity to share information about upcoming events and membership opportunities.”

UK is home to more than 350 student organizations, all covering a wide range of interests.

In the past, spring involvement fairs have been held in the Student Center, but Hays wants to bring involvement on campus without forcing students to go out of their way.

Hays said being part of a student organization means more than just adding another line to your resume.

“Often students would encourage people to become involved because it’s a resume builder, but I would say it’s an experience that will give you a chance to grow professionally while maximizing your experience as a student,” Hays said.

The fair gives a chance for students to be reminded of the importance of being involved, Hays said.

“It’s important to be a part of a student organization because it prepares you for what’s next in life. It maximizes your time at UK. It gives you a chance to meet new people and try new things,” Hays said. “There really is an opportunity for everyone.”