Haag, Colgate announce SG candidacy



By Taylor Moak

More than 50 students gathered Wednesday night in the W.T. Young Library Auditorium to support a change in the Student Government administration.

Michael Haag and Julie Colgate announced their candidacy for SG president and vice president for next year at the event.

Colgate said unity, involvement and transparency are the goals of the administration.

Colgate said she wants her and Haag’s government to be seen as more than just through the glass windows.

“We are not running for these positions to benefit ourselves or for the title,” Colgate said. “We are running to make positive change to the university and to make UK proud.”

“UK Proud” will be the slogan of the Haag-Colgate administration, Colgate said.

A forum to promote communication between student organizations, an improved SG Web site and pep rallies before every football game were some of the projects Haag mentioned.

Along with announcing their candidacies, Haag and Colgate announced the names of 17 senators running on their ticket.