Current SG administration running for second year



For students approving of the work the current Student Government administration has done this year, they’ll get a chance for another round of Ryan Smith and Kelsey Hayes — if they so chose.

With a simple tweet from current SG Vice President Kelsey Hayes, the secret on the re-election campaign of Smith-Hayes was out.

Hayes said the two plan to announce their candidacy at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Small Ballroom of the Student Center.

“This year we have built lasting relationships with faculty and staff and we believe having those relationships will benefit the student body,” Hayes said.

Hayes cited a common belief that the make-up of SG changes too often to initiate real change as one reason she and Smith chose to run again. She also said many of the programs she and Smith have started were worth continuing next year.

Late Tuesday night, Michael Haag and Julie Colgate sent out a news release announcing their candidacy as well. Their event will take place at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Room of W.T. Young Library. Haag is the current president of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Colgate is an SG senator at large.

“I feel I have a lot of knowledge of UK and of all the problems at UK,” Haag said. “I feel like I’ve learned how to solve them.”

The filing deadline for all SG candidates is 4 p.m. Wednesday.

With the announcement of an election-based Twitter account, Hayes said social media will play a large role in the re-election campaign,

“I tweet a lot, I’m not sure if a lot of UK students do or not,” Hayes said. “But we’re trying to reach as many people as possible.