UK HealthCare teams up with Norton Healthcare
November 10, 2010
UK HealthCare and Norton Healthcare joined forces Monday to improve statewide health care.
Kentucky hospitals, a press release said. The two companies’ focus will be on developing stronger clinical partnerships throughout the Commonwealth.
Norton Healthcare President and CEO Stephen Williams said he believes the alliance will strengthen his Louisville-based company.
“Norton delivers the most babies in Kentucky, but we do not have an obstetrics training,” he said. “With UK, we’ll be able to get that training in place.”
The decision to formalize the two companies’ ongoing alliances in clinical programs, workforce, education and research comes after leadership from both organizations met to discuss their experiences in providing the full continuum of care for patients within a large geographic area, and how best to serve those patients in a rapidly changing environment, the release said.
UK Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Dr. Michael Karpf said the partnership would be synergistic. UK HealthCare will look at areas where Norton Healthcare needs help and will to improve itself in those areas.
“”They share the same values we have, and (we) think they are an excellent partner for us,” Karpf said.
The partnership has been in the works for 18 months, Karpf said. During this time, UK HealthCare focused on continuing the academic medical center’s evolution into a destination provider of advanced subspecialty care in Kentucky and surrounding states, the press release said.
One of the main reasons for the alliance is to keep patients in Kentucky, Karpf and Williams said.
“We want to make it so patients do not have to leave the state to receive good health care,” Williams said.