Sheen is ‘winning’ in the media



Charlie Sheen is not a role model. In fact, I would make the claim that he’s the antonym of the definition. But if there’s one thing that Sheen is it is entertaining.

The actor, most noted for his role on the show “Two And A Half Men” and films such as “Platoon” and “Wall Street,” has been a media fixture for quite some time now, but for nothing that his momma would be proud of.

A string of charges for drug use and domestic violence plastered on the covers of celebrity magazines have created this persona of Sheen as the “bad boy” of Hollywood.

Recently, though, this celebrity gossip has reached viral mania. His eccentric interview on Feb. 28 for “Good Morning America” showed an erratic Sheen “reflecting” on his troubles. But instead of a Barbara Walters-esque cry-fest, the captivated audience was hit full-force with a show of pompous arrogance and disdain.

But Sheen’s attitude is not the only thing that’s making headlines. Instead, we are filling our Twitter hashtags with the ridiculous lingo that Sheen coined. Phrases such as “I’m not bipolar, I’m bi-winning,” and “tiger blood” have become the latest words on the tips of our tongues and at the punch of the keyboard.

While I’m not an avid celebrity-watcher or Twitter fiend, I have to admit that I jumped on the bandwagon and, upon hearing that Sheen had made himself a Twitter account, immediately started “following” him.

Why did I do this? Because even if I think that Sheen is a disgusting bottom-feeder in the celebrity animal kingdom, I can’t help but enjoy the absurdity of his ego and his new foray into shameless self-promotion. It’s a reflection of society’s focus on the individual for no other reason than to create a persona of narcissism.

Whether you’re a celebrity or not, anyone can create a persona using social networking to be your own best advertising. And that’s something to tweet about.