Blogging: the way of the future
September 21, 2011
Exploring the blogosphere may give collegiates the upper hand in the employment process.
Facebook, claiming 750 million members, and Twitter, with 200 million, are two microblogging sites widely used by public media marketers. The number of commercial blogs continues to increase, allowing numerous companies to promote products and services and directly interact with customers. With vast audiences and rapid publicity, blogging is the rising marketing medium.
The blogosphere includes personal, sports, music, fashion and political genres.
UK Law Professor Melynda Price’s blog in response to the movie “The Help,” was quoted by The Washington Post in August, and attracted attention from a mass audience.
“In this film, the black women are victorious in getting their story out, but still vulnerable to the whims of whiteness and economic marginality,” Price wrote in the blog.
Her blog was reprinted in the Aug. 25 edition of Ace Weekly.
Aside from recognition, blogging can potentially show future employers competence.
“There’s a considerable advantage for college students to blog because it is the way of the future,” Guy Ramsey, a media relations assistant with UK athletics blog Cat Scratches, said. “A blog is like a time capsule; a blogging history shows the employer what you’re all about. It’s about community and networking.”
Aryn Nordhoff, a journalism freshman, is the author of the UK “Campus Cuties” section of Her Campus.
Her Campus is an online magazine with over 130 member colleges, featuring blog categories of news, campus celebrities, campus cuties, photos and upcoming events, all specific to each college. UK’s section launched on Sept. 20.
Nordhoff became an intern after contacting the UK campus correspondent, and she interviews nominees and features the selected “Campus Cutie” of the week.
“You can interview and meet cool people around campus,” Nordhoff said. “You also get great writing experience, with feedback from an international level.”
After joining the Her Campus Team, writers have been offered jobs from esteemed magazines and newspapers such as Seventeen, Vogue and The Washington Post, according to
“Most companies have a blog in order to promote and to receive general advice,” said Glenn Logan, managing editor of A Sea of Blue, Kentucky Wildcats Community for Discerning Fans. “The technological innovation is a gentle way to reach a broad audience and potential customers and keep in touch with existing customers.”
“Blogging shows off four communication skills: writing, analytical, creative and public relations. It’s a vehicle to show how you would perform in that arena.”
If blogging is “the way of the future,” it’s also the way of competition.
“I’ve absolutely seen an increase of traffic over the years, but it gets tougher fighting for the audience because everyone blogs; it’s a mainstream mechanism,” Logan said.
Winning the audience takes more than a popular blog topic.
“Identify your purpose. Before you begin, determine your interest, your field, your niche. Have relevant, incisive content. Take time, put up pictures, get help if you need, make it attractive. Do it correctly,” Logan said.