Board committees nominate officers

By Taylor Riley

The Board of Trustees Nominating Committee met Tuesday morning to discuss officers and appointments to the Board’s Executive Committee.

Frank Shoop, the chairman of the committee, opened the meeting with nominations for several department chairs.

William Stamps Farish Jr. was nominated for UK Gluck Equine Research Foundation Board of Directors; Joe Peek for the UK Research Foundation Board of Directors; and Jo Hern Curris for the UK Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors.

The Board of Trustees Executive Committee nominations were also announced. The Executive Committee nominations include: Edward Britt Brockman, re-elect for chair; Pamela T. May for vice chair; and Sandy Bugie Patterson for secretary.

The Nominating Committee discussed issues pertaining to the department, such as attendance at Board of Trustee meetings and the lack of ability to interact in previous months.

Even though problems persisted before the nominating process, members expressed trust in the Nominating Committee.

“There is not a member on this board I would not want to run my personal business,” said Billy Joe Miles, a member of committee. “All you have to do is be on a committee to know this place is a great place (University of Kentucky).”

Nominating committee members acknowledged their importance to the Board of Trustees.

“People have to trust the Nominating Committee to do what is right,” said Barbara Young, a Nominating Committee member.

Board members also exchanged their experiences on the committee as examples for future members.

“On a committee, you have a 60,000-foot overview, you really see how everything comes together. It is always a learning experience,” said committee member Sheila Brothers.

The Board of Trustees will hold its next meeting Sept. 13 at 1 p.m.