Kentucky STUNT completes Blue-White scrimmage in inaugural varsity season

Cole Parke

Kentucky STUNT completed its Blue-White scrimmage in its inaugural varsity season, with the White team winning 18-16 in overtime inside Memorial Coliseum.

The first quarter, focused on partner competitions, finished deadlocked with a 2-2 tie with each round of the quarter having a definitive winner.

Quarter two focused on pyramids and tosses, which was heavily lopsided in favor of the Blue team. Blue won the round 4-1, winning three of the rounds outright and tying the fourth round.

The third quarter, focusing on jumps and tumbles, was once again close in score, but the White team ultimately took the quarter and started their rally, winning 3-2. The teams tied the first round, but the White team took two of the next three rounds to cut the deficit down to two.

Quarter four, the team portion, started evenly with both teams tying with two points for the first routine.

The Blue team took what could’ve been a game sealing second routine win to take a 13-9 lead.

Needing a miracle, the White team got one in the third routine, pulling within one point, 13-12, with one routine left.

The White squad outscored the Blue team 3-2 with their fourth routine, which was enough to tie the overall score 15-15, but not enough to solidify the win, forcing a sudden-death overtime segment.

The White squad was able to complete their rally in overtime, out-scoring the Blue team by 3-1 for an 18-16 victory in the scrimmage.

Kentucky STUNT coach Blair Bergmann was pleased with the scrimmage, regardless of which team came out on top.

“We wanted to be able to perform routines one through four and we did that,” Bergmann said. “And we wanted to introduce the sport, which we also were able to do.”

Kentucky’s inaugural varsity season is set to kickoff on Feb. 18 in the Dallas Baptist Tournament in Dallas. The event is scheduled to take place over two days, wrapping up on Feb. 19.