UK creates Department of Biomedical Engineering



Staff report | @KyKernel

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The UK Board of Trustees has voted to approve the formation of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Department chair David Puleo says the move could lead to a minor in biomedical engineering being created in time for the fall semester in 2014.

“We have had biomedical engineering here, in one form or another, since the late 1950s,” “Until BME degrees were formally established in the 1980s, students were nominally affiliated with some other department — primarily mechanical engineering or physiology — but their main affinities lay in the biomedical engineering program and, especially, here in Wenner-Gren Lab. By becoming a department, we take another step forward, building on the decades of achievements of our alumni, students, staff, and faculty.”

The newly formed department will be under the umbrella of the College of Engineering.