UK holding mumps vaccine clinic Wednesday

News Staff

University Health Services will hold a mumps (MMR) vaccination clinic for UK students from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday in the UHS first floor lobby.

Three students contracted the virus last week and multiple other students exhibited symptoms such as swollen salivary glands.

The virus spreads through close contact, which is why cases are common in the spring and winter seasons, and why the disease is often contracted by students who live in dormitories or with roommates.

The clinic is open to all UK students with their student ID, though students not on the university insurance plan will have to pay a $59 health fee if they are full-time students. The fee is $74 for all other students.

The cost is covered for students enrolled in UK’s Student Insurance Plan if they bring a copy of their insurance card.

Students who cannot confirm they have received two immunizations are recommended to get a vaccination at the clinic.

Prevention of mumps include two doses of the MMR vaccination, which are commonly administered to infants and children five to six years old.

Symptoms of mumps include fever, headache, fatigue, and loss of appetite, followed by swollen salivary glands. If students fear they are exhibiting symptoms, the university said they should go to UHS to receive treatment.

Flu shots will be provided for $10.