Many children don’t know how to read, Pi Beta Phi wants to fix that


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Matt Hasty

UK sorority Pi Beta Phi has dedicated their organization’s philanthropy to the Pi Beta Phi Foundation. This foundation promotes literacy across the country through the phrase: “Read, Lead, Achieve.”

In the fall, Pi Beta Phi has the Greek Bowl, a flag football tournament open to different organizations on campus. In the spring semester, this sorority is affiliated with the Miss UK Pageant.

But, that is not all Pi Beta Phi does. They also have some smaller events during the spring, like Pi Burgers and Phries, various book drives, and Lemonade for Literacy.

The Pi Beta Phi Foundation was officially created in 1990. Although the purpose of Pi Beta Phi is to promote literacy, literacy has been the platform of Pi Beta Phi for one hundred years.

Allison Webb, an active member the organization, discussed what her role is in philanthropy events in her sorority.

“It varies from event to event, but we do various things from concessions, to being cheerleaders or spectators, working raffles or ticket tables, along with some other tasks supporting the event,” Webb said. 

When asked about if all members of Pi Beta Phi participate in philanthropy events, Webb disclosed that all active members participate in all of the philanthropy events that the organization is a part of.

Personally, I think this cause is a great cause to have. Many children across the country don’t know how to read well, if at all, and the Pi Beta Phi Foundation is working hard to eradicate poor reading levels.

As someone who had trouble with reading in elementary, middle and high school, I think I would have personally benefitted from someone making sure I can not only read a book but also retain the content.

Pi Beta Phi exists to make sure everyone they come in contact with through their foundation can read, no matter how much time it takes to accomplish that goal.