Lexington’s newest Chick-fil-A to give out a year of coupons to 24-hour campers


Chick-fil-a logo

Rick Childress

A new Chick-fil-A restaurant will open in Lexington on Thursday and one hundred tired and lucky chicken lovers will go home with a year’s worth of Chick-fil-A coupons. 

According to the Chick-fil-A press website, the location will be hosting a “First 100 Campout” prior to the opening of the restaurant. The promotion is a 24-hour campout at the restaurant that will begin at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, and prior to the restaurant’s opening the next morning, 100 participants will get a years-worth of coupons.

According to the contest’s rules here’s how to enter:

1. Go to the drawing at 5:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Richmond Road location. At the drawing, 100 people will be randomly selected to be participants, then 10 more people will be selected as alternates. Getting there earlier does not make you more likely to be picked.

To be eligible to be picked, you must over 18 and have a valid ID that proves you’re from the local area. A list of accepted zip codes is available on the rules page. 

2. The participants and alternates have to stay the full 24 hours. If a participant leaves the restaurant area, they will be disqualified, and an alternate will take their place. Short bathroom breaks are allowed, but the restaurant is not required to provide food or shelter for any participants. 

3. When the restaurant officially opens, remaining participants will get a years-worth of Chick-fil-A coupons—the actual amount is unclear. Any remaining alternates will get a prize valued at about $20, the website said.

If you’re going, please let us know via Twitter, Facebook or at [email protected]