Combat holiday blues with self care


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Sarah Halsey

The holidays can be a very hard time of year for many.

A lot of things can change over the course of a year. Loved ones may have passed. Family relationships may still be in shambles. Life is hard, and circumstances be difficult for anyone. This is especially true during the holidays, which is suppose to be the “most wonderful time of the year.” The “holiday blues” can hit anyone, but there is a way to overcome it.

The way that we frame things in our minds matters. There is always something to be grateful for, even during hard times. Even through difficult family situations, you can be grateful that you have a family to spend the holidays with. Even through difficult financial times, you can be grateful for the job you do have, even if it doesn’t pay much. There is always a way to be thankful for something during hard times.

It is also really important to take care of yourself, even during the holidays. It can been a long year for everyone, and you should find a way to reward yourself for the things you have accomplished in 2018. Do not let your schedule get filled with things that others make you feel obligated to do. Maybe you know deep down that those people aren’t going to be there for you if you need them to be, or maybe they really are your friends but you’re just “not feeling it.” It’s OK to say no. 

Take a walk. Get some fresh air. Watch your favorite Christmas movie. Read a book. Do whatever you have to take care of yourself this holiday season. Focus on you. 

Reflection is also really important during the holiday season. The year is coming to a close and it is important to take note of the things we learned in 2018, as well as ways we want to improve in 2019. We have to be intentional about making each year better than the next. If we are not, old habits will creep in and we will be the same person, year after year. Reflecting on what the past year has brought us can be a great motivator during the holiday season.

The holiday blues are a real thing. That is undeniable. But there is always something to look forward to in the coming year and something to be thankful for in the current year. Be honest with yourself and about how you are feeling, but do not beat yourself up over the negative things in your life. It will get better!