Millennials are unfairly stereotyped


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You hear millennials called everything from lazy to easily triggered snowflakes, but have you ever told a baby boomer you couldn’t accept their 20 cents off coupon? Talk about triggered.

OK, I’m kidding, mostly. But all joking aside, it’s time to talk about these unfair stereotypes against millennials.

Millennials are typically known as being born around 1981 to 1996, now putting them anywhere between 23 to 38 years old, and as a 23-year-old millennial in college, I can attest that we are some of the most hardworking, driven and conscientiously aware people I know and we don’t deserve these stereotypes.

One of the stereotypes I’ve heard commonly associated with millennials is lazy. Every time a millennial even slightly complains about being tired or about their work and school load keeping them up all night– though I bet we spend the most money on coffee, so you’re welcome, I guess?– we’re labeled as lazy. Unless you endure this struggle of pure exhaustion of consistently overworking yourself, it’s quite difficult to understand.

Nowadays, working toward a four-year degree and having a part-time job just isn’t going to cut it. You need to do more. So, as millennials facing this issue, we go ahead and add on an internship (probably unpaid), mounds of homework, full-day classes, work (because we need money somehow) and a few extracurriculars that’ll look great on a resume but have you wondering what the %*$# you’re thinking adding another item to your already full agenda. Let me know if that wouldn’t tire you– physically or mentally.

And maybe you aren’t a millennial, and you had to do this much work, too, and you say, “I didn’t complain like millennials do now.” Well, why in the world didn’t you? Shout that over-exhaustion from the rooftops, and a millennial will stand right there with you and shout “same” back. Everyone deserves to complain about their crazy, overpacked life a little bit.

Another stereotype I’ve come quite fond of reading (if you’re wondering, yes, that’s pure sarcasm) in the comment section of nearly every political post on Facebook after a millennial makes a comment on it is that they’re a snowflake or they’re triggered for having feelings.

It’s odd, because most times I see these two words used is after a millennial is concerned about the welfare of a group of people or their own mental health, for example, like when a millennial thinks a “trigger warning” should be on the front of sensitive content so they don’t have to relive past traumas or make others have to either. Millennials are snowflakes for not wanting to remember traumatizing events in their life? I think that’s just being a normal human. Millennials aren’t triggered snowflakes, they’re just compassionate.

As a millennial, I can say with confidence that we endure a lot of harsh vocabulary from our older counterparts, but we continue to overcome the unfair stereotypes by reaching our goals no matter how high or stressful– and maybe with a few complaints along the way– but we should never apologize for being tired from working hard, for having feelings or for caring.