Boyd Hall front desk receives phone call repeating racial slur

A student walks out of Boyd Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022, in Lexington, Kentucky. Photo by Jack Weaver | Staff

Kendall Staton

UK’s Boyd Hall front desk received a phone call earlier this evening repeating a racial slur on a loop, according to an email sent to UK’s resident advisors and residence life desk clerks on behalf of Kenyatta Jeter, Acting Associate Director of Residence Life.

According to university spokesperson Jay Blanton, officials determined the call came from outside Kentucky.

“As soon as we found out about this we immediately moved to block the number,” Blanton said. “We also offered support to the person who answered the phone.”

Jeter told residence hall staff to call UKPD if any other hall receives a call similar to this one, tonight or in the future.

“Supervisors please check in with any staff members that may have been impacted and provide them any resources they may need,” Jeter said in the email.

This phone call came less than a week after police arrested UK student Sophia Rosing for an on campus assault, in which she used racial slurs toward Boyd Hall desk clerk Kylah Spring. Rosing has since been banned from campus and faces criminal charges.