Celebrate pharmacists month during October

Many people are aware of the abundance of pink ribbons during the month of October celebrating National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

What many people might not know is that October is also American Pharmacists Month, and this year’s theme is from the American Pharmacists Association: “Know Your Medicine — Know Your Pharmacist.”

As students at the UK College of Pharmacy, we are excited to celebrate this time promoting education regarding safe and effective medication use as well as recognizing the services and care that pharmacists provide on a daily basis.

Pharmacists have emerged over the years not only as experts in the use of medications but as an integral part of the healthcare team in the maintenance of health and wellness.

We look upon being pharmacy students as not only a responsibility but also an opportunity to provide the greatest degree of care possible to our patients.

In pharmacies all across the commonwealth, we encourage you to help embody the theme of American Pharmacists Month.

For many, pharmacists function as the main access point to the healthcare system.

Understanding your healthcare needs as a patient is the first step to a long and healthy life, as is developing relationships with professionals such as pharmacists.

We, as pharmacy students, wish you a healthy month and look forward to working with you in the exciting future of pharmacy.

Jordan Covvey

Second year pharmacy student