Education Abroad gives opportunities

You’ve seen the colonial brick building adorned with flags from around the world, but have you taken a step inside?

Bradley Hall is home to the new Director of Education Abroad, Anthony Ogden, who has innovative plans for extending UK’s education abroad program, according to a Sept. 21 article in the Kernel.

The new staff member is indicative of the university’s agenda: extending the classroom to international stature. However, the Kernel staff hopes to see this as a continued effort.

Currently, Education Abroad offers one general merit-based scholarship to students studying abroad (and by the way, the deadline is this Friday for anyone studying abroad for spring semester).

Certainly, financial need and KEES money transfers to many universities abroad, but the Kernel encourages the university to develop more scholarships to make studying abroad the rule, not the exception.

The Kernel endorses the Education Abroad office’s mission of bringing Kentucky students into the global community. College is the chance to learn about yourself and explore as much as you can — being independent in another country is one of the best ways to achieve this.

Don’t let the price tag intimidate you, there is funding available, just look for it. The experience is invaluable if you put the energy forward.

Members of our staff can attest to the influence of going abroad: They’ve been to India, Guatemala, England and Ecuador, to name a few. They returned with a suitcase full of new perspectives, languages, stories and memories.

One item that should be noted: the world may be your classroom, but it is not your playground. Represent your school, state and country well, and you can ultimately further international diplomacy. Stumble drunkenly over Greek ruins or defecate on a Paris sidewalk, and you further a stereotype.

Show the world and the university what you’re capable of, and in turn, let the world show you a new life outlook. The returns will be as infinite as the looming horizon ahead.