Self-made artist produces unique sound

by Lindsey Austin

The musical project known as Unknown Component is solely produced by Iowa native, Keith Lynch. This self-taught musician has recently released his seventh album, The Infinite Definitive.

“It’s a collection of songs that are more contemplative than anything else. The album title refers to the idea of something that is infinitely definitive and whether or not that something is possible,”  Lynch said. The album features songs entitled “Moving Out of Frame,” “Future Circles” and “The Experience of Understanding.”  “The Infinite Definitive” stresses the concepts of time, space,and existence.

Lynch hopes to portray something different in each song and aspires to create conversation and interpretation.

“I don’t feel like there is any one specific message in any one song,” Lynch said. “I’d prefer they be open to interpretation.”

Lynch’s music is so unique that he himself cannot categorize it into one specific genre. “I guess I’ll wait until someone creates a label for a genre that represents the music being written today and that fits what I’m doing.”

Lynch started his musical career after finding an old acoustic guitar in the attic of his house at age 15. He taught himself how to play and began writing songs a year later. Lynch is humble about his decision to start making music.

“I’m not sure it was a decision as much as it was an inability to do anything else,” Lynch said.  “It’s mostly the desire to create music and to continually improve upon that.” His perseverance to have a successful musical career has lead Lynch to produce seven independent albums and two unreleased albums with himself as the lead vocalist, backup, and everything in between. His new album is available through iTunes, Amazon and the Unknown Component website at

How does Lynch find inspiration for such a unique style of music?

He said his “inspiration varies day to day” based on occurrences and “media phenomena, but it’s mostly rooted in philosophy and the unanswerable questions concerning reality.”  Lynch said he wants to create music that can be “interpreted differently by different people.”

It may seem impossible that one man can perform on the same level as a band of musicians but his shows feature just as many parts and instruments as those of a musical group. “I write and record all of the different parts that a typical band would play, and then re-create that live,” says Lynch.

Although Lynch says he is unable to categorize his own songs, iTunes classifies them as alternative or rock. The Unknown Component website describes Lynch’s latest CD  “is a whirlwind of dreamy and relaxing melodic beats that combine thoughtful lyrics and impressive guitar solos.”

Unknown Component has been featured in various music magazines, and the song “Set to Begin” from the album  was featured in the film . This musical project has already released seven albums and will be publish two more –  – in the future.