Adjunct professors often struggling financially

Madison Rexroat

It’s easy to assume that all college professors have solid annual incomes and job security with tenure. But in actuality, less than a quarter of college faculty is made up of tenured professors.

In the U.S., half of all professors are adjuncts rather than tenured professors. That means they have the same instructional responsibilities, but fewer ties to a particular institution and less job security. 

Adjuncts earn a median income of $2,700 for a semester-long class, making an average annual income of $20,000-25,000 in 2013. In 2015, that income dropped to less than $20,000. Almost a quarter of all adjunct professors rely on public assistance like Medicaid or food stamps, and many don’t receive health insurance or benefits from one college because they work at various institutions to build up income.  

While the struggles of adjuncts are certainly of concern, they can also have effects on students and the quality of education. Adjuncts, while they can be excellent teachers, can also be distracted by their financial concerns. Besides that, they also don’t always have time or resources for office hours, letters of recommendation, etc.

To read the full article by The Atlantic, click here.