Cole Mosier finds ways to contribute off the field

Cole Mosier plays in a game against Auburn in October 2015. Mosier tore his ACL in a pre-season scrimmage and is out for his senior season. 

When offensive tackle Cole Mosier tore his right ACL in a preseason scrimmage, many things were rushing through his head.

One of the things that Mosier thought about was how the injury would end his career at UK just a couple of weeks before his senior season was set to begin.

“I guess after I tore my ACL in the scrimmage it was really the last time I was out there in pads, so it was just like – I had to think about it and I was just like, ‘It sucks.’” Mosier said.

Despite the injury preventing him from competing with the Cats this season, Mosier has found plenty of other ways to stay involved with the team. Mosier got to participate in Senior Day activities in Kentucky’s final regular season game against Louisville.

Mosier has also watched the home games from UK’s Football Training Center, and visited occasional practices. Despite Mosier’s involvement, he still has a weird feeling inside of him from not being able to participate in any of the games.

“It’s weird because you know you should be out there, but you just can’t, so it’s definitely a different feel,” Mosier said.

However, the toughest part of Mosier’s injury might be overcoming the same set of obstacles he went thought in his sophomore season in high school, when he tore his left ACL.

Mosier might be experienced in overcoming torn ACL injuries, but that doesn’t make recovering from the injury any easier.

“I knew I had to come out of surgery doing stuff I didn’t want to do,” Mosier said. “After surgery you don’t feel like doing a lot of stuff, so you just got to push yourself and make sure you do it.”

With Mosier watching all of Kentucky’s games on a screen, he’s gotten a good chance to evaluate Kentucky’s offensive line, which has improved tremendously over the second half of the season.

Mosier said he’s shared advice with some of the younger players, such as redshirt-freshman Drake Jackson and sophomores Logan Stenberg and Landon Young. Mosier is proud of what the offensive line has done this season, going through all of the changes they’ve made over the course of the season.

“I think they’ve done great so far, they’ve come around and they’ve really learned how to play together, which sort of was the same case last year,” Mosier said.

Mosier has also tried to help Nick Haynes get through what has been a rough season for the senior offensive lineman. Mosier and Haynes were roommates during Mosier’s freshman year, and the two are still close even though they both are in completely different situations.

“I just tell him to, ‘Keep on keeping on,’” Mosier said. “He tries to be a captain out there, which he has been. He’s helped the team out a lot even without him being on the field.”

As for what’s next for Mosier now that the regular season is over? He still plans to be involved with UK’s team however he can, but Mosier still has the goal of being ready for UK’s pro day in the spring.

Mosier has had no setbacks in his recovery, and is still on track to be ready when the NFL scouts come to Lexington.

“I’m pretty advanced, I’ve started running everything by now, about three and-a-half months out of surgery,” Mosier said. “Everything’s on progress and good right now.”