Breaking News: Student Affairs Vice President to depart

William T Young Library

By Joshua Qualls

President Eli Capilouto sent out a campus-wide email announcing the departure of UK’s Vice President of Student Affairs, Robert Mock, on Friday, Aug. 28.

Mock is currently one of the top administrative officials at UK. He is leaving to become president of Johnson and Wales University’s Charlotte campus.

According to its website, UK’s Office of Student Affairs oversees many important student services, including: Assessment, Campus Recreation, the Counseling Center, the Plus Account Office, the Dean of Students Office, the Disability Resource Center, Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, New Student and Parent Programs, Off-Campus Student Services, the Parent Association, Residence Life, the Student Center (Bowman’s Den), Student Involvement, Student Media, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Substance Education and Responsibility, and the Violence Intervention and Prevention Center.

UK spokeswoman Kathy Johnson said UK has not yet found a replacement for Mock.

Mock will replace JWU’s interim president of the Charlotte campus, Tarun Malik, who has served in the role since November 2014.

“I’m anxious to help with his transition and can help introduce him to key members of the community because I’m a Charlotte native,” said Melinda Law, public relations director for JWU in Charlotte.

JWU’s Charlotte campus opened in 2004, though JWU originates in Providence, RI., and was founded in 1914.

“It’s a big deal for us too,” Law said. “Dr. Mock is our second campus president.”

Law said Mock will start his new position Sept. 30.

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From Capilouto’s email:

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The University of Kentucky is fortunate to have transformative leaders in higher education who help guide our priorities and work. On occasion, others recognize the extraordinary talent that we benefit from every day. It is in that spirit that I inform you that Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Robert C. Mock, Jr. has been appointed the second president of the Charlotte Campus of Johnson and Wales University.Johnson and Wales University, a private, nonprofit institution, serves nearly 16,000 students from 90 countries across its four campuses in Providence, North Miami, Denver and the Charlotte campus that Robert will lead beginning September 30, 2015.In Robert Mock, JWU has recruited an exceptional higher education leader who is intimately committed to student success, creative learning, community engagement, and possesses a sharp financial and operational acumen to lead the growing campus in Charlotte, NC.Though he will soon depart the University of Kentucky campus, he is leaving an indelible imprint. Robert was appointed UK’s Vice President of Student Affairs in 2010, and in that time programming in leadership, community service, and diversity and inclusion grew at a rapid pace – in terms of programmatic offerings and student participation. The Greek community alone grew by nearly 40 percent. At the same time, Robert has helped guide the most comprehensive renovation and expansion of UK’s Student Center, so that our work in supporting students can continue to grow.Deeply committed to fostering a safer, more supportive campus for our students, Robert’s leadership fostered the growth of the VIP Center – home of the Green Dot program – and helped launch the HAVEN online violence prevention program; a required training for all incoming students. Under his leadership, the Counseling Center served a greater number of students on an annual basis, and he co-chaired the steering committee that developed the new Student Code of Conduct and campus health and safety policy.More than the long list of important accolades and numbers that we should celebrate, Robert is a mentor to the students he’s served. Often I hear from students whose paths were righted, spirits lifted, and passions ignited because of Robert’s willingness to invest his time in helping others. There are countless individuals on our campus and others who have benefitted from his leadership and service.Robert and I have agreed that his tenure as Vice President of Student Affairs will conclude at the end of September. He will become President at Johnson and Wales University, Charlotte on October 1, 2015.The Vice President of Student Affairs is integral to all that we do to help students succeed academically and socially at the University of Kentucky. I will be communicating with you soon about our next steps with respect to the office.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Robert Mock on this exciting next chapter, and Johnson and Wales University for selecting an outstanding university leader as its next president. Let us also thank Robert for his dedicated work in advancing the success of our most precious resource, our students.


Eli Capilouto
