Does UK have school spirit?

Jack Weaver

Students cheer during the Kentucky vs. Miami Ohio football game on Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022, at Kroger Field in Lexington, Kentucky. UK won 37-13. Photo by Jack Weaver | Staff

Savannah Garnett, Reporter

The culture of school spirit often comes into question as the school year gets closer to the prime time for college sports. For many colleges, the spirit depends on two things: how well their teams are playing and the overall support of the school.

Up until recently, the University of Kentucky had been undefeated and, at one point, ranked seventh out of all SEC schools in football. Students, alums and fans all were extremely excited to see the Cats playing so well. Spirits were high, and support ranged far.

“Coming from a smaller school, when I came here, I can’t stop seeing people wearing blue,” said Drew Singerman, a medical student from Louisville. “Everyone wears blue, everyone’s excited for football, basketball, Big Blue Madness. I guess it’s just all over the place. You can’t really get away from it.”

UK blue-colored shirts can be found in almost every store, and it never falls out of fashion. Wearing the color is a statement of unification and identity among students and fans. As they all travel to the stadium, it is clear which side they are rooting for.

As the season has gone on, the University of Kentucky has not kept its status. The team now ranks further down and is no longer undefeated. As the University of Kentucky has not done as well in football, fans have been less optimistic, although the support for the team is still there.

After UK’s loss to Ole Miss, fans were upset but also recognized the effort and work put in. Twitter user @JordanLoveFan replied to @UKFootball on the results of the game.

“I know a lot of people will be upset but considering what Kentucky football has been in the past I’m just happy to be here. Good effort,” @JordanLoveFan said.

Fernanda Fuentes, a freshman information communication technology major, said that there is pride associated with going to the University of Kentucky.

“I think everyone here at UK … is proud to be a UK student. I feel like school spirit is based off of the attitude that students have towards the school. I don’t think it’s necessarily things that the school might do,” Fuentes said.

In the student sections at football and basketball games, the spirit and encouragement is recognizable. On football game days, students arrive hours before kickoff to get the best seats and wristbands to cheer on their fellow peers.

Football and basketball do receive the most publicity, but they are not the only sports that receive support. Overall, the University of Kentucky tries to highlight all athletes at their school. From tennis to the diving team, UK tries to broadcast all achievements and competitions.

On the UK Athletics app, schedules of all sports can be found along with their time and place. They also send out multiple emails letting students know upcoming dates. Many posters and pamphlets can be found on UK campus informing students on matches.

“I think they’re supported by everyone,” Megan Leibold, a communications major said. “It’s just knowing about them and when they’re happening and how to go.”