Pro-life letter failed to address both sides

I am writing in response to David Rempfer’s letter supporting pro-life in Wednesday’s Kernel. Rempfer’s argument is mostly irrelevant and presents one-sided facts that dispel his reasoning.

Rempfer states that “an enduring principle of America has been the sanctity of life,” then cites historical events such as the ruling for women’s suffrage and the outlawing of slavery. These examples are completely irrelevant to the subject of abortion because they deal with the rights of living beings. The abortion argument lies in deciding when the child is considered a separate living being from the mother, which is the point when the child gains rights.

Rempfer claims, “Studies have shown that women post-abortion are 4.7 percent more likely to suffer breast cancer, 90 percent are likely to report psychological trauma, 96 percent are likely to report they feel they took a human life and seven times more likely to commit suicide than women post-birth.” He does not present any facts from the other side of the fence.

The American Psychological Association did an extensive study and concluded that severe negative reactions after abortions are rare, and that while some women may experience sensations of regret, sadness or guilt after an abortion, the overwhelming responses are relief and happiness. There are other studies that also support this notion.

Rempfer also failed to account for the potential harm of unprepared, or outright bad, parenting. For example, many pregnant women choose abortion because they cannot afford the expenses involved in having a child. Contrary to pro-life arguments, any logical person would agree that government assistance is not sufficient for properly raising a child and can be misused; poverty has also repeatedly been linked to high crime rates and low education levels.

I do respect Rempfer’s opinion, but the reasoning he gave for it was very one-sided. The “psychological problems” argument does not stand, and that leaves us with a question: Is it worse to have a 4.7 percent increased risk in breast cancer for women with abortions or to have increased crime and poverty rates coupled with lower education levels?

Phill Heavrin

Telecommunications senior