After a fruitful year in SG, it’s time to say goodbye to UK

They said it would fly, and it surely has. The year has come to an end, and I am signing off. With an enormous amount of pride, I write my final column as Student Government Association president.

I could spend time talking about the standard we have set or all of the things we have accomplished, but instead, I want to take time to recognize those people I’ve spent time with along the way.

To Dad, Mom, Drew and all my friends who have supported me since the first day in Blanding I, I thank you. Thanks for the laughs and the motivation. Thanks for understanding that I was busy and for always extending your hand to help. All of the support you provided during elections and the numerous other events is truly the only reason I have succeeded.

To my brothers in Sigma Chi and the fraternity in general: Thank you for the leadership development and the help. Thank you for teaching me how to have fun and how to loosen up. The experiences I have had because of all of you have changed me for the better. I will miss the late nights.

To the Office of Student Involvement: Thanks for being my home. Thank you Rhonda Strouse, Chris Thuringer, Laura Hatfield, Denise Stephens, Jodee McElfresh and the many others for the support and discipline. It has truly been one of my favorite jobs being your servant, and to think how far OSI has come in four years only excites me about the future. Your hard work, countless hours and friendships are much appreciated.

To Pat Terrell and Dean Victor Hazard: You both are extremely caring about students and even more about student leaders. All of the time spent with you early on helped me set my goals and see the big picture. Don’t ever stop spending the extra time with students and always put forward your best to be honest, and let our students dream big — I am confident you will.

To President Lee Todd and Provost Kumble Subbaswamy: Our conversations were key this year and I hope you will continue to be open. I for one know the hours you both dedicate and the one thing I have continued to learn is in public roles, you will never receive the credit you deserve. The students are lucky to have you both here.

To my friends in the Student Center: John Herbst, you are simply a class act and I look forward to keeping in touch. Thank you for being real. We’ll get that new building one day, I promise! All of my friends on staff along with Ray Schmidt and dining services, it was a pleasure getting to know you all.

To those of you who know who you are: friends in Student Activities Board, Channel 50, Resident Student Association, WRFL, the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center, Kelley Bozeman, The Violence Intervention and Prevention Center, DanceBlue, Maj. Joe Monroe, peer tutoring, the Board of Trustees, Office of the Registrar, the Alumni Association, Office of the Mayor, Town and Gown, Peggy Way and Doug Boyd, and many more. Continue to focus on the great causes you are passionate about and persevere through the budget cuts. All of your endeavors are worthwhile and necessary for this university to continue to rise.

To my staff and Todd: We did it, simple as that. Because of you, SGA is now respected again and back to the service machine it was founded to be. Our crave and focus were instrumental. Thank you for accepting the late nights and the stress. Thank you more than anything for keeping me grounded and for joining me in living the dream. We have left a mark indeed. I love you guys.

Although in the end I have felt abandoned by some, I continue to learn and grow. I have plenty of motivation for my next stage in life, and I am ever grateful for the stories I take with me. I wish UK nothing but the best in the coming year. I will keep in touch and be there if you need me.

Thank you all for everything you have given me; I am the luckiest person in the world.