Dead Week proposal only encourages procrastination

Recently, the Kernel printed an article concerning Student Government’s proposal to place certain restrictions on Dead Week. While I applaud SG for recognizing that many students are unhappy with the current Dead Week situation, I wonder if this change will have any real impact on the amount of time that students actually spend preparing for their final exams. A well-known fact in the business world is that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. How many students procrastinate because they know a paper is not due for a few weeks? If students are given more time to prepare for their exams, they aren’t going to study more, they’re going to study the same amount; it’s just going to take longer.

How about SG directs its initiatives at helping students become harder working and more motivated scholars instead of nurturing the idea that students deserve any sort of break at the end of the semester? College education is not compulsory and any student who doesn’t earnestly strive to get the most out of their expensive education is wasting a significant amount of their time and money.

Esta M. Day

history senior