Fox News is not only biased media network

I am writing in response to Derek Brown’s recent column about the biasness of Fox News.

Yes, Fox News is biased, but, in case you hadn’t noticed, so are CNN and MSNBC. It is unfair to a particular news organization to say that they are biased and no others are simply because you disagree with what they are saying, or their methods. No media outlet simply reports the information that it is given, except C-SPAN. Every morning show, every nightly news broadcast and every cable news station reports the facts, and then gives its opinions and analysis of that information. If you recall just a few years ago, CNN had a show called “Crossfire” which pitted conservatives against liberals on every airing. That created just as many divisions in society as Fox News does now.

The thing that creates the most division in America is people who cannot accept the fact that all media are biased. You may not see it because you agree with it, but that simply means that you need to take the blinders off and re-evaluate what is going on. View every media outlet as subjective, and, at the very least, get your information from more than one source. Do not criticize Fox for being biased and provoking divisiveness when you are doing the same thing.

Matthew Fox

political science and psychology freshman