Safety forum key for students to attend

Kernel Editorial Board

It took three years before this university had an official chief of police.

Three years without a definite leader. Three years without someone to listen to the students’ voices and three years of disconnect between this campus and its police.

It was three years too long.

On Feb. 24, UK Police Chief Joe Monroe (formerly interim chief), will hold a forum to receive student feedback and bridge the gap between students and police. Made up of 15 students, the committee is planning to focus on UK Police’s student vision.

It’s about time.

When this edit board says it’s about time, by no means is it a declaration of frustration against Monroe. When he was named permanent police chief in November 2009, Monroe said he wanted the UK Police Department to be one of the top departments in the nation. His plan: improve communications with the university. Monroe planned on being open with the students to create a dialogue between police and campus.

It’s laudable that Monroe has kept his word. Now it’s time for students to use this opportunity to better their lives on this campus.

Yes, it means getting up before noon and walking to campus. But with that little bit of exertion, having the opportunity to let our police department know your concerns, be it from campus safety or game day patrol, is something for which this campus has waited a long time.

Don’t wait any longer. It took this university three years to instate a permanent police chief. It took Monroe three months to follow up on his word. It will take you two hours to be part of making this campus a better community for us all.

The forum will be held at least once a month at the Student Center. To attend the first meeting on Feb. 24, go to room 203 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided — honestly, how can you turn this down? — and anyone who is interested to apply to be on the committee should visit (