Student Affairs picks Mock for vice president



After numerous on-campus public forums to hear from the candidates for the new vice president for Student Affairs position, the selection committee has reached its verdict.

Robert Mock Jr., who is currently the associate vice provost for Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, has accepted the position. He will begin his tenure on July 1, contingent on the Board of Trustees’ approval, according to a UK news release.

Mock was out of the office at a conference, and the Kernel could not reach him for comment.

In the news release, UK Provost Kumble Subbaswamy said he and UK President Lee Todd determined Mock was the best fit for UK based on input from those who participated in the search.

In an e-mail to the Kernel, Jim Wims, co-chair of the search committee, said all the candidates were capable of the role, but Mock stood out to those involved in filling the position.

“ … the decision to hire Dr. Mock is reflective of what seemed to be the overall sentiments of those who participated in the search process,” Wims said in the e-mail.

Mock earned his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering at Southern Illinois University and received a master’s and doctoral degrees at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Mock has also served as the assistant chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and as the Student Services division chief and director of Recruitment and Retention at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

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