Avoiding bad first dates



First dates — they’re often awkward and stressful, usually full of overuse of cologne and deodorant. But all of the preparation may go to waste if the set up for the date is a bust.

Nowadays you can tweet, text and chat someone just to ask them out and the medium you choose says a lot about your intentions and what the date will entail.

So you meet a girl you really want to ask out, then get her number. Texting her to ask her out screams seventh grade. If you can’t actually use your voice to ask her, it’s going to make actually meeting up that much more awkward. By calling, it relieves some of the tension texting masks.

Calling the girl tells her she can expect you are confident and the first date will be smooth. Even if you’re nervous, going out to lunch is a perfect first date. It’s college, so­ everyone is used to the dollar menu, but splurging on Panera won’t kill you just this once.

If you really can’t muster up the guts to dial her digits, texting can be done as long as you don’t just jump right into asking. First, starting up general conversation will let her know you’re not a total creeper and that she can feel comfortable going on a date with you in the first place.

If first dates are hard for you, a movie is always an easy move. It requires little conversation and will allow you to slowly get used to each other. It also takes pressure off the girl, especially if it’s one you’ve met a few times.

A more recent medium of date-requesting is the Facebook message. If you weren’t friends with the girl before, when she sees the friend request she’s most likely going to know what is up. The message is a lot like a text but it usually is a “next day” or “after the fact” move. You were too nervous to ask her to her face, so you figured Facebook would be easier.

We girls understand, but if you’re going to use Facebook you should definitely chat it up before just asking her out. Coming home to a random message asking us out translates Facebook stalker and turns date night into “Dateline”.

So once you’ve engaged in some friendly, “are you in a sorority,” “what kind of music do you listen to” standard ­procedure convo, it’s okay to ask her out. Clearly if you couldn’t swap numbers the first time you met, chances are a formal dinner date probably isn’t the way to handle the first date.

A casual Starbucks date or just meeting up for a sandwich isn’t as time consuming and if it’s getting weird you can make a quick escape.

No matter how you ask, there is one taboo you must remember. Inviting a girl to your apartment, house or dorm, is not a first date. So swipe the plastic and get the girl­ — the right way.