McAfee update infects hospital computers



Employees at the UK Hospital had to turn to old ways of communication for most of Wednesday — paper and people.

A computer virus infected a McAfee security program, which got to systems throughout Lexington and the state, including police departments, hospitals and school districts, according to main media outlets.

Dr. Carol Steltenkamp, associate chief of staff at the UK Hospital and assistant dean of clinical affairs at the UK College of Medicine, said at about 10:30 a.m. the hospital found out about 40 percent of its computers had the virus.

Steltenkamp said the hospital updates its virus protection everyday, but this particular update happened to come through with a problem.

“What we did was went to our planned downtime and contingency procedures, and those went off without a hitch,” she said. “ … We went to paper and people for most of communication as opposed to electronic.”

Steltenkamp said as of around 4:30 p.m. the hospital was on its way to a 100 percent resolution to the problem, and the problem should be resolved Thursday.

Steltenkamp said the faculty would be working to make sure an incident of this kind would not happen again.

“I have worked very closely with our anti-virus provider to look at this … and be certain that it never happens again,” she said.

UK Police Chief Joe Monroe said he had not heard of any problems with the police department’s computer systems.