A&S students participate in friendly competition



Students participating in Arts & Sciences AweSome Week enjoyed the competition between the arts and the sciences in dodgeball, kickball and volleyball Monday night, though faculty were absent.

The event included friendly competition between arts and sciences students in games, and although faculty and students were both invited and encouraged to attend, only students showed up to the courts to play.

Michael Goodman, a College of Arts and Sciences ambassador who volunteered to help plan the event through Campus Recreation, said professors and students were informed of the event, but no one made an official commitment to show up.

“We e-mailed some professors about a week and a half, two weeks ago,” Goodman said. “Nobody officially signed up. We were expecting at least a few [professors] to come out, but we weren’t expecting a huge turnout. This is a new event.”

Though the evening began with a slow trickle of students coming through the doors of the Seaton Center, the gym soon resounded with the thunder of flying dodgeballs and adrenaline-fueled cheering. Many sported grey T-shirts that read,“Arts & Sciences AweSome Week,” with a list of every major on the back.

The Arts v. Sciences Game event included about 24 students and one teaching assistant. Although the hope was for faculty to attend to share friendly competition and interact with their students outside the classroom, their absence did not discourage students from having as much fun as possible.

Arts and Sciences ambassador Laura Knott said she hopes the event will continue in future Arts & Sciences weeks, but it may take a year or two for this particular event to become popular.

“I think it’s going to take a little time,” Knott said. “But I think we could bring all the majors together.”