Letter to the editor: Kernel needs more election coverage

While it is nice to see that the lowercase “c” “cats” are not looking past Saturday’s game, it’s a shame that the Kernel apparently looked past Tuesday’s election.

As a former Kernelite, I was shocked and disappointed that the only Election Day material was a short Kernel editorial with a cartoon on page 3, and that instead articles on UK sustainability and Miss Kentucky ran on the front page. I recognize that eliminating an article about UK basketball would cause complete anarchy. Why would one assume that the changing of the Kentucky political guard would be more important than a Kentucky basketball guard? That’s just silly.

I appreciate the coverage in Monday’s Kernel, but, of course, that was Monday. Tuesday is the big day, guys.

Perhaps the lack of coverage was because the paper was only four pages — it happens — but no space limitations are on the Internet.

I even asked a few of my classmates what they thought of the Kernel today, and several replied with “Did the Kernel forget it was Election Day?” To mimic a familiar campaign slogan: Yes, it did.

Forgetting the embarrassing mistakes (thank you, journalism professor Buck Ryan, for the terminology) in the front page headlines, the Kernel’s biggest error on Tuesday was not running Election Day coverage on Election Day.

Hopefully tomorrow will have election results coverage, but then again, I’m sure we need a front-page article on UK basketball or football practice. I’ll check the Herald-Leader.

Whitney Waters

Second year law student