Alternative options: Taking a gap year



by David Jarvis

Do you often wonder what your options are after graduation?

According to the Stuckert Career Center, there are more choices than just finding a job and starting to work.

On Wednesday, Nov.17 at 3:30 p.m., the Stuckert Career Center will host ‘Taking a Gap Year,’ a workshop for students who are curious about their options after college.

Nicole Keenan, assistant director at the Career Center, defines a gap year as “a prolonged period between a life stage.”

Students attending Wednesday’s event can expect to learn about gaining state residency for graduate school, traveling, building career skills, exploreing alternant careers and internship opportunities.

“Students will learn more about the gap experience and receive resources to get them started for their gap experience,” Keenan said.

“A person might consider to take a gap year to seek residency in a state prior to applying to graduate school, travel, to build relevant skills for their career, to explore alternative careers, intern, prepare for graduate exams, pay off school debt, give back to society or simplyto just take a break from school,”  Keenan said.

The disadvantages of taking a gap year will also be discussed. Students who take gap years may lose health insurance and have limited income, depending on their gap year decision, Keenan said.

The event will be held at the Stuckert Career Center located at 408 Rose St., between Rose Lane and Euclid Avenue from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.