Obesity is a choice, not ‘just the way someone is’

By Eric Rogier

I have to argue with many of the points you made in your editorial.

Can you really say with any amount of seriousness, “But no one chooses to be obese?”

Every piece of food you put into your mouth is a choice, every time you pass the gym and say “maybe I’ll start next week” is a choice, every time you rationalize the dessert is a choice.

I completely agree people struggling with weight are often subjected to humiliation and that is unacceptable, simply on the point that they are humans and no one should be treated that way.

However, I notice a disturbing trend in the U.S. of acceptance on food over-consumption (look at our holidays), sedentary lifestyle and deviation from personal responsibilities.

Over the past 20 years — which is the amount of time the U.S. has gone from less than 10 percent to approximately 30 percent adult obesity rates — medications, psychological factors, lack of sleep, stress and especially genetics have not changed proportionately to the exponential increase in belt-lines.

Obesity is absolutely a choice; it is easier for some to keep the weight off more than others, but you choose what you put in your body and how many calories you expend.

With a health care system already severely stressed, we cannot accept an obese lifestyle as “just the way someone is.”

Compassion is a necessity, but acceptance of a self-destructive lifestyle must be met with resistance, and people must be educated with the truth: obesity is 100 percent preventable.