Penalty points system announced for drivers found texting

Staff report | @KyKernel

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Gov. Steve Beshear announced Wednesday that drivers found texting at the wheel will receive penalty points that could lead to the suspension of their driving license.

For each no-texting violation, the driver will get three penalty points. Driving bans will be issued once 12 points have been accumulated in a 24-month period.

Licenses will be suspended for drivers under age 18 after accumulating seven points in a two-year period.

“Part of the challenge of highway safety is to keep ahead of technology,” said Beshear in a written statement. “The cell phone is symbolic of that challenge. While it has made our lives and jobs easier in many ways, there is no question that far too often it proves to be an irresistible distraction to drivers.”

The penalty points system will begin after it has completed legislative review.