Palli: Every club matters



A lot goes into being a successful, happy college student. Going to class and taking your academic work seriously is certainly one facet. Adjusting to living on your own is another.

Just a couple weeks ago I wrote about the importance of freshman involvement. In my opinion, involvement is the single easiest way to build your niche in college, turning this sometimes foreign place into a comfortable and supportive home.

Sometimes when people talk about “involvement” they think of only a couple of things. While Greek Life and larger organizations like Student Government and Student Activities Board are important, there are so many more dedicated groups of students after worthwhile and enjoyable goals.

These smaller groups make up the backbone of the university.

We have more than 400 registered student organizations, and the majority fall into this category. They cover so much ground it is impossible to summarize what they do. This diversity of interests and thought helps to expand students’ horizons and the breadth of the college experience for all those around them. Even with all that is offered, we are always looking to bring in more. If you have an idea for a new organization, we would love to add you to the list.

Get together a group of friends, come up with an idea, find an advisor, and get started. The full process can be found at

Once you get registered, you can apply for funding from SG.

This is where our Senate comes in, appropriating funds to help you achieve your goals.

Every two weeks, senate meets to consider organizations’ requests. Just to give a few examples, last year we helped UK UNICEF bring two speakers to campus to talk about the violence in Syria, helped the Chinese Students & Scholars implement a Chinese Cultural Festival event, and helped the Club Rugby team purchase new uniforms. Complete information about funding can be found at

We do everything we can to help as many organizations as possible, so if you have a need, come to us. We want to see everyone involved, and we will go to great lengths to make it happen. As always, if you have more questions, or you just want to talk and develop your idea, feel free to drop by the SG office, or the Center for Student Involvement on the first floor of the Student Center.

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