Constitution Day sparks heated political debate


By Taylor Clark

[email protected]

What started as a day to celebrate the Constitution ended in a debate that caught the attention of many UK students who passed by.

Tea Party candidate Matt Bevin, Libertarian candidate David Patterson and  Jesse Benton, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager, came Tuesday to the 10th Annual Constitution Day to engage young people in this upcoming Senate election.

Bevin and Benton debated issues such as America’s financial situation, students getting a job after graduating college and their stance on the Syrian crisis.

“I think one of the most exciting things is that young children are energized about the Constitution. They’re reading it, they’re talking about it, they’re understanding it,” Benton said. “The Constitution is the law of the land. It is the most exceptional founding document in the history of any nation.”

President Eli Capilouto opened Constitution Day  and Student Government President Roshan Palli spoke about the importance of young people being informed about the candidates running in the elections.

“Our generation has a huge opportunity to create change in this country.” Palli said.

Kerry Luft, the nation and world editor at the Chicago Tribune, came to talk about the Syrian conflict and how it relates to the Constitution.

“I realized that this is horrifying to us not only because of the loss of human life, but it’s also horrifying to us because we have a document that ensures the right of people to protest what their government is doing in a peaceful way,” Luft said. “The constitution makes that possible.”

Luft also discussed how the Constitution allows journalists to inform the general public of what the government is doing and how that is what makes America great.

Also in the crowd were American historical legends Betsy Ross and Henry Clay.

Freshman honors student Torie Osborne was dressed as Betsy Ross, and Georgetown college professor George McGee played the role as Henry Clay.

McGee spoke about Tuesday’s events from the perspective of a 19th century politician.

“We are creatures of habit and if we’re in the habit of enjoying freedom of liberty and freedom of speech, we will take those freedoms for granted in many ways,” he said.

Students from the Christ the King School were also in attendance today for their choir performance “America.”

“Constitution Day to me means that we’re different from every other country,” said seventh grader Jaycee Taylor. “And that’s special.”