iPhone SE get mostly positive response from students


Ben Wade is the Kentucky Kernel Illustrator

In the past decade, the smartphone has become an extension of one’s self. As the market is growing, the industry is expanding the options available to users on the hunt for new devices.­­ And if there is one manufacturer that has realized the value of offering multiple choices, it’s Apple.

On March 31, the company released the iPhone SE, a smartphone with near-­identical specifications to the 4.7­inch iPhone 6S, and most of its features­­ fit into a form factor so close to its earlier versions (iPhone 5 and 5S phones), that most observers wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Reception from the tech industry has been mixed to positive, as a result of the design changing little since the iPhone 5’s introduction in 2012.

The iPhone is best suited to users who want to know exactly what to expect from the interfaces and capabilities of their phones, and don’t mind giving up an individualized user experience­­.

Despite feelings on both iPhones and smaller phones, the world was in need of a smaller iPhone. Since the 6 and 6 Plus hit store shelves, the primary complaint from users has been, “Why is it so big?”

There are owners of the latest generations that grew to love the new size, and there’s been a subset of iPhone users who clung to their aging 5 models in hopes of a smaller model.­­ They hoped that Apple heard loud and clear with the SE.

Even students at UK have praised Apple’s decision to reintroduce the smaller size.

“Having basically the (iPhone) 5, but updated to modern standards, I really like that,” said Monon Rahman, a mechanical engineering major.

Four years after its release, Rahman still uses the iPhone 5, so the idea of a modernized version of the phone particularly piqued his interest.

“It just had the perfect size compared to the 6 and 6s, where it’s kind of starting to stretch a bit too big,” Rahman said.

Grace Jenkins, a human health science major and Android smartphone owner, agreed.

“I think phones are getting too big, where you can’t distinguish them from tablets anymore,” Jenkins said.

The appeal of smaller phones and the SE particularly holds true for female smartphone owners, who typically have more trouble fitting larger phones in their pockets.

While the new phone’s size is welcome, the lack of new features has given some students pause.

“I know there were people complaining about size, but there really isn’t anything different or innovative,” said Maxine Legaspi, a kinesiology major and Windows phone owner. “I guess people see iPhones as a big luxury and that’s why Apple takes advantage of that.”

Particular requests from the student body for new features in smartphones include longer lasting batteries, better lighting systems for the cameras and more in­depth options for mobile photography.

Tre Lyerly is a journalism freshman.

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