Passed bill requires medical review panel

Nailah Spencer

The Kentucky House of Representatives and Senate passed Senate Bill 4, an act relating to medical review panels.

This new law says that if a doctor is accused of malpractice, or if a patient wants to die at a hospital, a medical review panel has to consider the situation.

According to the legislative record, the medical review panel will be made up of a group of Kentucky lawyers, who will be responsible for determining whether or not a patient’s medical case is eligible for judicial review.

Members of Congress in favor of this passed bill believe it is not a constitutional issue.

Representative Robert Benvenuti III said this is the smartest and fastest process. He said that Kentucky nursing homes pay seven times more for patients than Indiana nursing homes do. This bill is meant to lower that cost and many others.

Others said that this passed bill will have a negative effect on judicial review.

“We should not have an impediment or a roadblock to the court,” Representative Kevin Sinnette said.

“We already have a panel; it’s called a jury. It is unfair to force a legitimate victim to win twice. It is our right to defend the constitution,” Representative Al Gentry said to the House Chambers.

He said he believes it is not only their right, but also their sworn duty.