University Senate passes SGA proposal
Rowan Reid (left) and Ben Childress (right) speak during a SGA Town Hall at Memorial Hall on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 in Lexington, Ky. Photo by Joel Repoley | Staff.
March 22, 2017
UK’s University Senate passed the Student Government Association’s proposal to excuse absences due to interviews for full-time jobs or graduate school, SGA President Rowan Reid announced via Twitter Monday.
Reid said that it concerned her when her professors of upper-level courses specifically said that interviews did not qualify as excused absences.
“As upper level classes are mostly juniors and seniors, some of whom are looking for their first job, I found this troubling,” Reid said.
This concern turned into the proposal when she found other students had similar experiences with professors.
While the University Senate faculty and Senate Council were “generally supportive,” Reid said, some disagreed with the proposal and made “valid points.” UK students shared their experiences of having to miss interviews to attend class during the discussion about this proposal.
“All in all, my experience throughout this process has illustrated to me how committed our faculty are to assisting students to reach their full potential,” Reid said.
Reid said this proposal ensures that UK students have the opportunity to start their careers.