Views of an Active: Make the most of Spring Rush



Matt Hasty

The first week of classes is done and the Spring semester is in full swing.

It is an especially exciting time for fraternities and sororities because the first step of recruitment is around the corner: rush season.

Here are some tips on how to make rush season worthwhile and productive:

  • Reach out to as many people you know.
    • Getting the word out about your fraternity or sorority is productive in getting young men and women to join.
  • Make flyers and post them around popular spots on campus.
    • Post flyers around the libraries, the dining halls, the residence halls, student apartments, anywhere you can think of that thousands of students walk past every day.
  • Plan rush events that are fun and that students would enjoy coming to.
    • Bowling, movie and restaurant nights are always good event options to draw people in. The idea is to have events that students could let off some steam from classes at.
  • Network, Network, Network.
    • Many organizations participate in White Hall Night. While hundreds of people are at the same building at the same time, talk to as many of them as you can. You never know if they are interested in your organization unless members go and talk to them. White Hall Night for the Spring is Jan. 22-23 starting at 7 p.m.
  • Exhibit behavior and camaraderie that your fraternity or sorority values reflect.
    • No one wants to join a fraternity or sorority if they see members quarrelling and fighting with each other. Treat your fellow brothers and sisters with respect and hold off any disagreements for a more private time.

With these tips, fraternity and sorority rush season will be productive and your organizations will be sure to gain some great new members.