Views of an Active: How to pronounce Greek letters (Part 5)


The Main Event was hosted by Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Chi took place at Lexington Convention Center on Friday, November 20, 2015 in Lexington, Kentucky. Photo by Taylor Pence

Matt Hasty

Last week we discussed the letters Nu, Xi, Omicron and Pi. Now let’s move on to this week’s letters:

1. Rho

Pronounced like (ROW), Rho is in the names of one IFC fraternity and one Panhellenic Council sorority. The IFC with Rho in the name is Alpha Gamma Rho. The Panhellenic Council sorority with Rho in the name is Phi Sigma Rho.

2. Sigma

Pronounced like (sig-mah), Sigma is a popular Greek letter used at UK. It is in nine IFC fraternities, one NPHC fraternity, one NPHC sorority, one Panhellenic Council sorority, one UGC fraternity and one UGC sorority. The IFC fraternities with Sigma in the name are Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Pi. The NPHC organizations with Sigma in the name are Delta Sigma Theta, a sorority, and Phi Beta Sigma, a fraternity. The Panhellenic Council sorority is the aforementioned sorority Phi Sigma Rho. And the UGC organizations with Sigma in the name are Sigma Lambda Beta, a Latino fraternity, and Sigma Lambda Gamma, a Latina sorority.

3. Tau

Pronounced like (T-owww), Tau is in the name of three Greek organizations here at UK and they are all in IFC. The IFC fraternities with Tau in the name are Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta and Phi Kappa Tau.

4. Upsilon

Pronounced like (opps-seal-on), Upsilon is in the name of only one Greek organization here at UK. The Greek organization with Upsilon in the name is UGC fraternity Beta Upsilon Chi, a Christian fraternity on campus.

Stay tuned for more letters and the conclusion of the series coming soon.