“Rain or shine”: UK fans crowd on State Street to mark historic football win

Jacob Eads

When the game clock expired, officially marking the end of UK football’s 31-game losing streak against Florida, it was eerily quiet on UK’s famed State Street. But don’t worry, that didn’t last long.

Saturday night, hundreds of UK students flooded State Street to celebrate the Wildcats’ 27-16 victory in a manner typically reserved for basketball wins.

“It’s about time,” sophomore forestry major Jacob Bennet said.

Within minutes of the final buzzer, students began trickling onto the street that has been known to host UK’s raucous post-game celebrations, seemingly unbothered by the ark-worthy rain showers rinsing the party.

“We just made history. Don’t matter rain or shine, we’re going to be out here celebrating,” said sophomore finance major Crosse Wolfe.

The invested fans showed no sympathy towards the Gators, as they marched through puddles down the street with chants of “F*** Florida” trailing them.

While the party began innocently enough, it quickly escalated, following suit of previous celebrations on State Street. Broken bottles, flying cans and disfigured trashcans promptly littered the ground, eventually becoming victim to the small streams making their way down the road.

While a few couches might’ve been spared thanks to the rain, one car parked on the street wasn’t as lucky. In the midst of their celebration, fans flipped one unsuspecting car completely over. It then served as a backdrop for many photo-ops.

After Lexington Police eventually cleared the street of the rejoicing fans, they examined the injured car. Police on the scene could not comment on the incident. There were no arrests made as a result of the night’s festivities, according to Lexington Police.

Some students said they fully expected the street to serve as the epicenter for tonight’s rowdy fans, but others were surprised by the magnitude of the celebration.

“I kind of expected it in March, but I’m not going to lie. I didn’t think this was going to happen in the fall, but UK did just beat Florida,” said senior political science major Linda Ineza said.

Those on State Street said tonight’s win and accompanying celebration spoke to the loyalty of all UK fans.

“I think UK’s fans always turn out for them,” Ineza said.

But while they might be loyal, others might say they’re a little crazy too.

“I feel like the rain makes people go crazy. I swear there’s just something in it,” Ineza said.