SGA to host event to address food insecurity concerns of SSTOP Hunger


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Sydney Momeyer

UK students are seeking to SSTOP Hunger among undergraduates and graduates.

On Thursday, March 21, from 4:00 to 5:30 in Memorial Hall, UK’s Student Government Association will be hosting an event that addresses some demands SSTOP Hunger has created.

SSTOP Hunger is a Basic Needs Campaign that seeks to stop hunger on university campuses. According to their Facebook, they do this by “engaging faculty, staff, and students across disciplines in developing and implementing a strategy to solve hunger and malnutrition through hunger awareness and consciousness-raising, fundraising, advocacy, and academic initiatives.”

“The purpose of this organization shall be to develop and implement an action agenda on-campus to fulfill the missions of Universities Fighting World Hunger and Presidents United to Solve Hunger,” their Facebook states.

They have created an open letter addressed to President Eli Capilouto that states their demands in regard to improving this issue. The letter was delivered to President Capilouto on Jan. 24, 2019.

“According to the UK Food and Housing Access Survey, 43% of UK students are food insecure, and 8% are housing insecure,” their letter reads. 

According to an email, three of their main demands of President Capilouto include the following:

1. Establish and fund a physical Basic Needs Center.

2. Establish a Basic Needs Fund.

3. Create a full-time Basic Needs staff position.